Muscadine Jelly
Preserve the taste of summer with this simple and delicious muscadine jelly recipe. Made with fresh muscadine grapes, this sweet and tangy jelly is perfect for adding to sandwiches, cheeseboards, or as a topping for pancakes and waffles.

Muscadines are a southern grape that makes a wonderful jelly!  The purest in me loves you only need four ingredients: grapes, lemon juice, sugar and water to create jelly sure to please. Spread it over your biscuit, toast, add a spoonful to plain yogurt, glaze chicken or pork and more.

Muscadines are different than table grapes. They have a tougher skin, larger seeds and larger fruit.  Picking a gallon bucket takes no time at all.


  • Place 3 teaspoons in the freezer, you will need these to test your syrup for jelling.
  • In a 5 quart pot boil Muscadine juice for 5 minutes.
  • Add sugar and lemon juice.  Stir until disolved.
  • Continue boiling and reduce tempature to medium high. Stir often to prevent boiling over or burning syrup.
  • Continue to boil until you see syrup sheeting on a spoon. (see Cook's note below)  
  • If you are adding Vitality oils do so now and stir.  (see Cook's note)
  • Pour jelly into jars. Makes 4-5 cups of jelly.
  • If you are preserving jelly for longterm follow up with the hotwater bath method immediately after filling jars.
  • For shorterm storage- refrigerate jelly once it has cooled in jars to room temperature.

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Cook’s Notes
  • To test syrup for Sheeting on the spoon: take a frozen spoon and dip it into the syrup, if it runs off quickly or drops individual droplets when you slowly turn the spoon it isn't ready.  Syrup is ready to bottle when it sheets off the spoon. 
Fun variations:
  •  Clove Muscadine Jelly- just before pouring jelly into the jar add six drops of clove vitality and stir.  Then pour into jar.  This is my favorite!
  • Lemon Cardamom Muscadine Jelly-just before pouring jelly into jars add 6 drops of cardamom and 4 drops of Lemon Vitality Essential Oil and stir.  Pour into jar.  If you love Cardamom it will be a wonderful treat.
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