9 Tips For a Gluten-Free Kitchen

9 Tips for a Gluten-Free Kitchen


If you're following a gluten-free lifestyle but have to cook in a shared kitchen, cross-contamination can be a concern. However, there are ways to navigate this situation and keep yourself safe and healthy. One tip is to color code your kitchen items, using separate cloths, dishes, and cutting boards for gluten-free cooking. Regularly cleaning and sanitizing your kitchen towels and surfaces is also important to minimize the risk of cross-contamination. Additionally, creating a designated gluten area and using separate utensils and equipment for gluten-free cooking can further prevent accidental exposure. Clearly labeling gluten-free ingredients, storing them on higher shelves, practicing safe cooking techniques, and educating household members about your needs are other efficient strategies. As an additional recommendation, Young Living Vitality™ essential oils can be used to add delicious flavors to gluten-free dishes while enjoying the benefits of high-quality essential oils. With these tips in place, you can have a safe and healthy cooking experience in a shared kitchen.

Mexican-Inspired Quinoa: A Healthy and Flavorful Meal Idea

mexican style quinoa
Add some spice to your plate with this delicious and healthy Mexican-style quinoa. With tender quinoa, lime, and a variety of flavorful toppings, this dish is the perfect way to enjoy all the flavors of Mexico in a nutritious and filling meal.


The Dirt on Spring Cleaning Products

The Dirt on Spring Cleaning + Products

Open those windows and breathe in that fresh spring air! Spring is here,  it’s time to thinking about our spring cleaning checklists. The nice weather brings on motivation for a fresh start. So let’s get to it! Before you reach for those cleaners and get to work, let’s do a little digging into those ingredients, shall we?

Did you know? In 
2000, cleaning products were responsible for nearly 10% of all toxic exposures reported to U.S. Poison Control Centers, accounting for 206,636 calls. Of these, 120,434 exposures involved children under six who can swallow or spill cleaners stored or left open inside the home. With no federal regulations on ingredients in household products, the only way we can protect our families is to learn how to read labels ourselves.

Top 4 ingredients to avoid and why.

Women's Health

There's a silent epidemic happening to women everywhere: hormonal balance is being destroyed. Over twenty million of us suffer from polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), fibroids, endometriosis, painful/difficult/heavy periods, and thyroid and adrenal issues. For the first time since their creation, birth control pills are being used to treat girls under the age of seventeen for endocrine-related concerns. 

Not only are young women suffering similar conditions to their mothers and sisters at an earlier age and with much more intensity, but new conditions are arising that women of older generations have not experienced. 

Hormone replacement therapy is at an all-time high. One in ten couples are infertile, and hysterectomies are still the number-one surgery performed on women. Modern gynecological care can't keep up with our demands, yet we women are desperate to restore balance, preserve fertility, and maintain youthful hormonal patterns in our bodies. 


So what can you do? Grab this book: WomenCode by Alisa Vitti. You will want this book!!! Begin to understand your body and why it does what it does! The easiest place to start? Know and track your cycle. I have a FREE printable PDF to help you do just that at the end of this post.




  • Hormone focus. The hypothalamus signals your pituitary gland to send follicle stimulating hormones to your ovaries, telling them to get ready to release another egg.  Several egg follicles start to swell in preparation.  Estrogen increases to thicken your uterine lining so that it can host an egg.

• Body focus. Physical energy increases throughout this phase, and you may sometimes feel restless.

• Lifestyle focus. Creativity and new beginnings characterize this phase. This is the time to direct your energy into stimulating projects at work and at home. Plan brainstorming sessions with your coworkers; save your most mentally challenging assignments for this week since your brain's penchant for creativity at this time makes it easier to problem-solve. Your physical energy is at one of its highest points during your follicular phase. Emotionally, you feel outgoing, upbeat, and revitalized.

• Exercise focus. Try something new-take that Zumba or yoga sculpting class you've been yearning to try at your gym. Putting your brain and body in a new, stimulating situation feels like an easy, natural thing for you to do at this time of the month.
hormone imbalance, phases of menstral cycle, four phases of your cycle, body, lifestyle, hormones, exercise, cycle tracker, thyroid, adrenal fatigue, heavy cycle, heavy periods

Easy Apple Cider Vinegar

easy apple cider vinegar
Never throw away your apple scraps again!  Instead take your scraps, add them to water and honey and in 6 weeks you will have the most delicious apple cider vinegar.
recipe, apple cider vinegar, DIY, DIY Recipe, homemade