Eliminating Gluten and Dairy for 30 Days
20 years ago, I was struggling with digestion issues, my weight, headaches, sleeplessness, sadness, painful joints, sinus infections, and seasonal allergies ALL of the time.  Instead of feeling like a healthy and vibrant 20 something, I was overweight, tired, my joints ached, and sinus infections were my normal.  I went round robin with allergies to sinus infection to antibiotics to yeast infections to another treatment for yeast.

For years I took Advil, Tylenol, Sudafed and prescribed antibiotics much more than I wanted but what were my options? I realized conventional medicine was fine for treating sickness. but getting to the root cause was something else. I was tired of managing symptoms I wanted long term change and a healthier life.

Early into my research I learned my Grandma suffered many health challenges. She went to doctors for years searching for answers and coming up short.  My Grandma went undiagnosed with Celiac Disease, lactose intolerance and other digestive issues for decades. In comparing our health challenges, we shared digestive issues, low vitamin D and iron deficiency to name a few. 

I made a plan to eliminate gluten and dairy for a month which were two of my Grandma’s biggest issues.  I will be the first to admit I was a comfort foodie. My idea of a great meal included cheese and crackers, a big plate of spaghetti, or mac and cheese, pastries, etc.  Chocolate chip cookies are my kryptonite.   How would I give up cheese, milk, bread?  

Cutting gluten and dairy from my diet was not my idea of fun by any means, it was going to take discipline and intentionally focusing on getting to the other side of 30 days without.  I am strong. I can do this. I will prove gluten and dairy are my friends! 

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