Imagine the perfect blend of sweet and tart, encased in a flaky, golden crust; that's the essence of Strawberry Rhubarb Pie. This pie is not just a dessert; it's an experience, a bridge to the past, and a beacon of joy for the present. 

Why Strawberry Rhubarb Pie?

This question has a simple answer: nostalgia. Every bite is a journey back to Grandma Cosey's legendary strawberry rhubarb pie. Memories of her cozy kitchen flooded my mind when the kitchen was filled with the beautiful sweet aroma of this tantalizing pie.  My fork in hand waiting impatiently to experience the first mouthwatering bite.

Strawberry Rhubarb Pie was a staple at family gatherings, especially during spring and early summer when rhubarb peeked out from the soil, ready for harvest. The tangy rhubarb balanced with the sweetness of strawberries and sugar creates a harmony of flavors that's undeniably intoxicating. 

The Adventure Begins

The adventure began with a trip to the local farmers' market or to the family garden where the vibrant hues of fresh strawberries and the unmistakable crimson of rhubarb stalks called out to me. Their freshness promised an exceptional pie.

Back in the kitchen, the real fun started. Preparing the strawberries and rhubarb, chopping and mixing them with just the right amount of sugar and flour. The crust, buttery, and just the right thickness, was a canvas waiting for its masterpiece filling.

As the pie was baked, the kitchen was filled with a comforting and exciting aroma. It was the smell of anticipation, of sweet memories baking into existence.

Over the years my pies may have shifted to gluten-free crusts embracing healthier choices, and ingeniously enhanced their charm by infusing a whisper of fresh thyme.

Sharing the Joy

The best part of this whole adventure? Sharing it with you, of course. Imagine us, sitting together, forks in hand, diving into this pie. With each bite, we embark on a journey through flavors and time, reconnecting with our past and making new memories.

A Friendship, Sweet, and Tart

Much like the Strawberry Rhubarb Pie, friendship is a delightful mix of sweet and tart. It's the balance of laughter and tears, of adventures and quiet moments. 

Strawberry Rhubarb Thyme Pie Recipe


  • 3 Cups Fresh Rhubarb or Frozen (thawed and drained in a colander)
  • 3 1/2 Cups Fresh Strawberries or Frozen (thawed and drained in a colander)
  • 2 Tablespoons of Thyme or 4 drops of Thyme Vitality oil 
  • 3 Drops of Lemon Vitality Oil
  • 1/4 Cup Arrowroot Powder
  • 1/4 Cup Tapioca
  • 2/3 Cup Cane Sugar
1.  Homemade Gluten-free Pie Crust or use a pre-made option if you are short on time.
2.  If you are using Fresh produce: Wash, peel and chop rhubarb. Wash and remove stems from strawberries and slice if desired.
Using Frozen produce: Thaw in a calendar, allow liquid to drain, and pat dry with a paper towel if desired.
3.  Add lemon vitality oil and thyme vitality drops to the sugar in a large mixing bowl, this will help keep the flavor incorporated evenly.
4.  Next add tapioca, and arrowroot and mix well.  Pour berries and rhubarb into the mixture and stir to incorporate.
5.  Pour filling into the pie shell.  Roll pie crust for the top if desired and cut with a pizza cutter

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