Muscadine Juice

Savor the sweet and tangy flavor of muscadines with this easy and delicious muscadine juice recipe. Made with fresh muscadine grapes, this juice is a healthy and refreshing drink that's perfect for sipping on a hot day or any time you want to enjoy the taste of summer.

Muscadines are delicious eaten straight off the vine, frozen, or made into juice. You can enjoy the juice solo, create a juice blend, syrup or my favorite make jelly!
Ingredients for Muscadine Juice

  • 18 Cups of Muscadines
  • 1 Cup of Water
Yields 8 cups

Directions for Muscadine Juice
  • Wash muscadines and remove all stems (this is what I use)
  • Pour clean muscadines onto a baking sheet.  Press down with a rolling pin to pop open the muscadines.
  • Separate the muscadines into two sauce pans with skins in one and seed pulp in the other.
  • Add water to the sauce pan with skins and boil for 20 minutes.
  • Bring seed pulp sauce pan to a boil for 15-20 minutes to release the seeds from the pulp.
  • Strain the seeds. A Food Mill makes it easy to strain the juice. 
  • Discard seeds.
  • Next put the skins through the Food Mill and reserve the juice. Combined juice yields 8 cups. Now you are ready to  make the jelly!
Try blending freshly squeezed tangerine juice and muscadine or go all in on fall with a dash of cinnamon and clove!
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