Whether you're kick-starting your day, looking for a nutritious snack, or in need of a post-workout rejuvenation, our Tropical Green Goddess Smoothie is your go-to for a delicious nutrient boost with a tropical twist without the refined sugar! Enjoy the vibrant flavors of the tropics in every sip! 


Spinach Leaves- infuse your smoothie with that iconic green goddess glow, alongside a healthy dose of iron to support your energy levels throughout the day.

Frozen Bananas- to add creamy, tropical sweetness and a potassium boost for sustained energy.

Coconut Milk- irresistibly creamy texture and a taste of the tropical islands.

Pineapple Vinegar-  to promote beneficial gut bacteria and naturally enhance your digestive wellness.

Protein Powder- your favorite gluten-free and dairy-free variety to keep you fuller for longer and support muscle health.

Kiwi-  to add a bright, tropical punch of flavor, packed with Vitamin C for immune support. 

Coconut Flakes-  a sprinkle on top for added texture, powerful antioxidants, and fiber.

Pitted Dates-  for a delicious natural sweetness that’s high in fiber and antioxidants.

Peppermint- aids digestion with a bright refreshing flavor

Ginger- tantalizing flavor, with ability to soothe digestion, reduce inflammation, and energize your body.


Peppermint is not only a versatile herb that's super easy to grow but also a perennial, meaning it'll grace your space with its presence year after year.   

Consider planting peppermint near your kitchen. Not only is it incredibly easy to care for and prune, but it means that the freshest, most vibrant peppermint is always just a few steps away for our favorite dishes. Imagine elevating your culinary creations with the zest of freshly plucked peppermint leaves – whether it's in refreshing summer beverages, enhancing the flavor of desserts, or bringing a vibrant touch to salads. 

Peppermint has a spirited growth habit that can really take off and spread with enthusiasm! So, you've got a couple of options on how to manage this zestful grower. 

Plant it in pots: to help contain its exuberance. 

Designate garden area:  Have space to let peppermint roam freely, enjoy its spread without worrying about it taking over.

Peppermint can be grown both outdoors in your garden and indoors in containers. Decide where you want to grow your peppermint, considering factors like space, sunlight, and your own convenience.

Outdoor Planting: Choose a spot with partial to full sunlight. Peppermint enjoys cool conditions but needs around 4-6 hours of sunlight daily.

Indoor Planting: If you opt for indoor planting, use a container that is wide and shallow as peppermint roots grow horizontally. Ensure the pot has good drainage and place it by a sunny window.

Soil Prepperation: Peppermint isn't overly finicky about soil types but thrives in moist, well-drained soil with a pH between 6.0 and 7.0. Whether planting in a garden bed or a pot, mix the soil with compost to enrich it with organic matter. This will help retain moisture and provide essential nutrients to your plants.

Propagating from cuttings is the easiest method. Simply cut a 4-6 inch piece off an existing peppermint plant, remove the lower leaves, and plant it in your prepared soil. Ensure the nodes (where the leaves were removed) are buried as this is where new roots will grow from.

Starting from seeds, sow them directly into the soil, lightly covering them. Peppermint seeds are small and need light to germinate, so avoid sowing them too deeply.

Watering: Keep the soil consistently moist but not waterlogged. Peppermint likes water, but too much can cause root rot.

Harvesting: The great thing about peppermint is that the more you harvest, the more it grows. Begin to harvest leaves as soon as the plant has multiple stems and looks bushy. Regular harvesting encourages growth and prevents the plant from becoming leggy.

Pest and Disease Control: Generally, peppermint is resistant to many pests and diseases. However, keep an eye out for common issues like spider mites and rust. Natural interventions are often effective if problems arise.


Once you have a bountiful supply, the uses for fresh peppermint are almost endless. From brewing soothing teas that aid digestion to enhancing culinary dishes with its refreshing flavor. Not to forget, the aromatic benefits it brings when used in homemade potpourris or simply as a natural air freshener.

Peppermint Tea- It's incredibly soothing for the tummy and a delightful way to unwind after a busy day. 

Elevate Your Recipe- Peppermint can also be a fantastic addition to various dishes, just imagine the freshness it brings.

Growing your own peppermint is a delightful journey that yields more than just a plant; it affords a deeper connection with nature and adds a touch of freshness and vitality to your daily life. Whether you're a gardener, a culinary enthusiast, or someone exploring the aromatic world of plants, peppermint is a wonderful choice to start with. 

save time when you stop peeling kiwi

I would never suggest eating the fuzzy skin because that texture to me just doesn't seem right to be added to a creamy smoothie!

However it is as easy as slice, push, twist to remove kiwi from the skin without loosing the beautiful fruit goodness.

Simply slice kiwi in half, push a beater blade into kiwi and twist. The fruit will remove easily from ripe fruit.

More delicious breakfast Recipes

tropical green goddess Protein smoothie


  • 1 Cup Spinach
  • 2 Cup Unsweetened Thai Kitchen Canned Coconut Milk my favorite for this recipe or use your favorite refrigerated milk of choice
  • 2 Frozen Bananas
  • 2 Tablespoon Pineapple Vinegar
  • 2 Kiwis skin removed  (See above how to save time without peeling tip using blender blade to remove the fruit in seconds without peeling)
  • 2 Tablespoons Fresh Mint
  • 2 Scoops Unflavored So Lean and So Clean Protein Powder
  • 3 Dates Pitted
  • 1/8 tsp Ground Ginger
  • 2 Tablespoon Unsweetened Coconut Flakes + optional: additional toasted coconut flakes for garnish
  • Optional Slice of fresh pineapple for garnish
1.  Combine all of the ingredients in the blender,   Blend on high until everything is blended well.
2.  Pour smoothie into 2 glasses.
3. Toast coconut flakes in dry frying pan.  Don't leave unattended, coconut can burn.
4.  Sprinkle toasted coconut flakes on top of each smoothie. Enjoy!

  • Refrigerated coconut milk or milk of your choice can be substituted for canned coconut milk.
  • If dates are firm soak them in hot water for 10 to 15 minutes to rehydrate them.
  • Vanilla Protein Powder could be substituted for the unflavored
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