The perfect twist on Brussels sprouts that are too good not to share! Imagine combining the earthy, slightly bitter taste of Brussels sprouts with a delightful balance of sweet and savory flavors. It transforms them into a dish that's not just nutritious but incredibly delicious too. It's an absolute must-try even for those who aren't big fans of Brussels sprouts.
Let's talk about ingredients 

Have you ever paired the rich, comforting taste of maple syrup with the hearty, earthy tones of Brussels sprouts? If not, let me tell you, it's a match made in flavor heaven.  Let's dive into why this combination is such a showstopper. 

Brussels Sprouts- These little green gems could be called the underdogs of the vegetable world. Their earthy, slightly bitter taste might not be everyone's cup of tea at first, but that's exactly where the magic happens. 

Maple Syrup- Maple syrup isn't just any sweetener; it brings a complex, deep flavor that's more than just sugary—it's almost like nature's hug in liquid form. Its natural sweetness isn't overpowering; instead, it has a way of enhancing the flavors it's paired with, adding a layer of warmth and coziness to every bite.

Red Onions- Beautiful red onions, which aren't just a treat for the eyes with their vibrant color. they bring robustness and depth of flavor. 

Why do these flavors work so well together?

The natural sweetness of the maple syrup complements the strength of the Brussels sprouts, creating a harmonious dish that's both comforting and refreshing. This combination is perfect for those chilly evenings when you're craving something hearty yet healthy, or when you want to impress your guests with a side dish that screams gourmet without all the fuss.

Roasting brings out the natural sweetness of Brussels sprouts.

tips for roasting brussels sprouts

  • Evenly space Brussels sprouts on your baking sheet and select roughly the same size for even cooking.
  • Cut them in half so more spices and maple syrup reach all of the crevices
  • .Cook Brussels sprouts until they are fork-tender. Do not over cook or they will be mushy. 

  • 1 Pound of Fresh Brussels Sprouts
  • 1 Red Onion sliced
  • 2 Tablespoons of Avocado Oil
  • 1/4 C Maple Syrup
  • 1/4 tsp Pepper
  • 1 tsp Garlic Powder
  • Flake Salt
  • optional 1/2 C of Pecan Halves
1. Preheat oven to 400' and line a baking sheet with parchment paper or silplat mat.
2. Wash Brussels sprouts in your favorite veggie wash.  Trim the bottom of each of the Brussels and cut them in half lengthwise.
3. Slice red onion evenly and place on baking sheet.
4. Drizzle avocado oil over veggies and coat using your hands.
5. Next drizzle maple syrup over the mixture and mix again.
6. Bake for 10 minutes and stir.  Then bake 10 minutes longer or until the Brussels are fork tender.
7. Sprinkle Morten Flake Salt just before serving.

  • Add a 1/2 cup of pecans for a fun and delicious crunch, after the first 10 minutes of cooking has completed.

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1 Comment

  1. Allison SEVERNS  03/06/2024 08:05 AM Central
    Sounds really yummy!!
    Jennifer ODonnell AUTHOR  04/29/2024 02:27 PM Central
    Thank you! If you give it a try please tag me I would love to see when you make it!

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